Just a little something from the Live Alive facebook archives to keep in mind.
I repost it every year around this time (Autumn in Australia) and now in 2021 it happens to be quite pertinent.
Maybe you can prioritise priming your 'milieu interieu' during your physical isolation…

We often blame a virus for us being unwell with colds and flu in winter.
Consider that it might not necessarily be the virus but our general state of poor health that is the issue and that maybe each year the virus seems 'stronger' because we as a population are actually weaker. In clinical practice it does appear that people are on the whole mentally, emotionally and physically unhealthier these days, possibly than ever before.
Blaming the virus, as modern medicine tends to do, fits in with Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory which suggests that microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi etc) cause disease and we have to go to war on them for our survival.
I believe this theory puts us in the victim category.
I choose not to be a victim.
An alternate theory and one that sits more comfortably with me was suggested by one of Louis Pasteur's rivals, Antoine Beauchamp who developed the Pleomorphic Theory of Disease.
Very simply this theory suggests that pathogens develop in unhealthy environments - so the pathogen changes its form to a damaging one in response to a diseased environment (unhealthy body, unhealthy blood in particular).
Beauchamp's theory was also supported by one of Pasteur's colleagues Claude Bernard who suggested that it is the 'milieu interieu' or internal environment ie our body fluids that nourish cells and tissue, that determines if a germ will thrive or not. Basically the germ needs unhealthy body tissue to survive.
It is said that on his deathbed Louis Pasteur recanted his germ theory declaring that "Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything."
Or more simply, "the Germ theory proposes you get rid of the flies, while it makes more sense to clean up the garbage attracting them."
To me this is really powerful as it means I can have the ultimate say in how healthy I choose to be by nourishing my body with quality; food, hydration, rest, sleep, relaxation, fresh air, relationships and regular movement. It's about eating intuitively not academically, living mindfully not mindlessly, with conscious awareness.
Yes it takes effort.
Most worthwhile things do.
You're creating a new normal.
Eventually it starts becoming a way of being instead of a choice that requires effort and is ultimately, hugely rewarding on so many levels.
Building and maintaining healthy 'milieu interieu' or internal environments makes so much more sense to me than bombarding what in most peoples cases is an already struggling immune system, with an assault of toxins, live or killed microbes and synthetic ingredients.
A healthy body, mins and spirit doesn’t guarantee I won’t get ill however, to me, there’s a satisfaction in knowing I tried and that I have a strong foundation to recover from.

What I share on this page are my views (unless stated otherwise) based on my research, my experience and my beliefs.
Just sharing as food for thought…