Food Poisoning SOS

So yesterday I got food poisoning. This is a rare occurrence for me. I can count on one hand the times I have had it in my nearly 53 years. I share this ‘news’ with you because it allows me to share with you yet again the importance of optimal digestive health. While the attached image suggests it’s all about gut microbes, we have to also remember there are other protective/beneficial elements along our digestive tract starting with our mouth. In my case I think the low stomach acid I have been experiencing lately may have been a major contributor which is why it is so important to address and NOT suppress (see what I did there ) Suppressing the quantity and acidity is sooo concerningly common these days. Stomach acid is the bodies first line of defense in killing off any pathogens that may be in our food. When not dealt with there, we are dependent on quality gut micro organisms to kick butt. The clincher is that you have enough of the beneficial ones to do the job and that’s the focus of today’s post. I’ll post more shortly on the other elements of the digestive system we mustn’t disregard.
By now most of us would be aware that a course of antibiotics wipes out all bacteria, not just the ones causing disease. I believe it is essential to be supplementing with beneficial micro organisms while on antibiotics, however there are many schools of thought about this so as always you have to do the research and make you own decision on this.
While your gut microflora is wiped out you are at your most vulnerable for acute and chronic mental and physical illness.
It is similar to when a baby is born.
A baby's gut has minimal micro-organisms residing. These, from the parents, in addition to the microbes it is exposed to from the people and environment it is born into is what we now know sets up its quality of health for life.
When you have food poisoning you also wipe out all your gut bacteria from the chronic diarrhea. It is essential to be extra vigilant about your environment and what you consume as well as trying to manage stress at this time as you are now a sitting duck for one or more chronic physical and mental conditions.
So what can you do?
Remember that where our health is concerned there is no one size fits all even with something like food poisoning. Medications you are on and chronic conditions you may already have, among many other factors, need to be taken into consideration.
The following are simply guidelines - no dosages or specific recommendations are being made
Firstly and very importantly be mindful of what it is you are putting into your body. You want to be promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria not setting up a wonderful environment for the less healthy ones.
Unfortunately for people who get hospitalised this is not understood and thus not taken into consideration by hospitals. Hospital food is notoriously unhealthy, especially from a gut health point of view.
The first thing we think of with gastro is keeping up your fluids.
A sachet of colours and chemicals is not advisable at the best of times but certainly not now. Neither is lemonade, flat or not. I believe fresh coconut water (not packaged) is wonderful as is homemade clear broths, herbal teas - especially ginger, mint, licorice or marshmallow, or just plain water with a pinch of salt and sugar in it.
A probiotic with a good diversity of bacteria in high amounts (CFU's) is a good idea. In my experience the liquid from good quality cultured vegetables is ideal or a shot of quality kombucha or kefir.
Pure activated charcoal (should be the only ingredient) is often very helpful.
Slippery elm powder and pure aloe vera juice can also be beneficial for both symptoms and the gut lining.
Detox baths especially with epsom salts are great. Not only do they assist the body to detoxify but also help with cramping and the washed out and achy feeling one gets with gastro. In addition you are replacing vital minerals that are lost with diarrhea.
REST!!! - one of the most underrated yet most powerful things you can do for ANY type of healing.
When you are able to tolerate solid food try to keep it well cooked - convalescing or 'geriatric' food. Keep mindful that you are wanting to feed beneficial microbes. Take this as a good opportunity to rebuild a really healthy gut microbiome.

In my case I suffered for about an hour with the additional challenge of currently only having the use of a portable toilet while we have bathroom renovations going on. Negotiating a portaloo, with both ends wanting to evacuate pathogens, in our current heatwave conditions was quite the experience Then the lightbulb moment to practice what I preach and send in the probiotic army. My first choice would be kraut juice however I only had kombucha at hand so had a shot of that and went back to bed. I kid you not that within 15minutes my body was at peace and all was good in the world. I believe the fast response is due to my great healthy gut microflora that I cultivate daily and sending in the probiotic army for extra ammunition.
Prioritising good gut health at all times is good security should you fall victim to food poisoning or a gut bug doing the rounds. It is one of the reasons why some people get really ill and others not so ill if affected at all. Good quality food, sleep, exercise, rest, sun, emotions and relationships all have an impact on the quality of your gut health and the good news is that you and you alone have control over all those elements

What I share on this page are my views (unless stated otherwise) based on my research, my experience and my beliefs.
The posts are only provided as food for thought

Originally posted in Facebook