

The microbiome from the Greek words mikrós - small and bíos - life, is an environment consisting of a community of micro organisms existing together. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and yeasts are some of the very many micro organisms living in our gut. They all perform important functions to ensure our body is functioning optimally. We have microbiomes in various parts of our bodies including nasal passages, in our skin folds like armpits and groin, in genital areas and in our large intestine or gut. The gut one is the microbiome most determinate of our overall health.

Each of these microbiomes have their own ideal balance of micro organisms and when in balance all is well for the larger organism ie the human body. Problems arise when these micro organisms are either out of balance of find themselves in microbiomes not native to them.

Your Body Knows Best, Not the Nutrition Tribes

Your Body Knows Best, Not the Nutrition Tribes

Nearly every day I see examples of just how destructive our current day ‘nutrition wars’ are on our physical, emotional and mental health.
People frozen in confusion and fear in supermarket aisles, farmers markets and their own kitchens as to the ‘right’ food to buy and cook has become a very real thing.
It is completely absurd and completely understandable.
Each way you turn you have someone telling you:
‘eat this’, ‘no don’t eat that, eat this’,
‘that food causes cancer’, ‘actually that food protects you from cancer’,
‘this food has magical superfood powers’, ‘no that superfood is actually toxic’…
Who do you believe?



It seems sharing about the process of hormesis is coming up frequently in consultations recently

Have you heard of hormesis?

Hormesis is the process of stressing the body to a degree to strengthen or produce positive benefits.

Now you will have heard me frequently emphasise the deleterious effects of stress to our overall health. In fact I believe stress is the main contributor to much of our poor health today. However



After noticing a spate of posts in my newsfeed on various neighbourhood, ecourse, community support, mothers and even financial advice groups as well as health related groups, for requests for random recommendations of probiotics for everything from finger infections, to frequent colds, to digestive disorders, period pain and migraines, I went searching for this post I had written previously and realised I've yanked it out of the archives a number of times - throwing it out there again for what it's worth, though not sure if anyone is really taking any notice...



Many people find they can eat a certain food without issue and then they can’t…. Seemingly all of a sudden a food they ate with no issue in the past now causes some form of discomfort; bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, joint pain, skin problems, fatigue etc There could be a number of reasons to develop a sensitivity to a particular food.

The ‘bucket theory’ could be one reason.